
Showing posts from September, 2021

You got this bud

Do's And Don’ts Of Ear Cleaning Do not use beginners set 🚫   You wash your face and brush your teeth, so it seems perfectly reasonable to  clean   your ears   as well. But unlike your face and teeth, your ears are self-cleaning and don’t need a lot of assistance. What should you use to clean your ears? Here are some do's and don’ts of ear cleaning. Don’t Use Cotton Buds Cotton buds are not made to go into the ear canal (it even says so on the package). It’s OK to clean your outer ear with a cotton bud as long as you can resist the temptation to use the bud in your ear canal. First and foremost, a cotton bud can push earwax back toward the eardrum, leading to a possible wax blockage. Secondly, the cotton may come off and could cause an infection. Lastly, the cotton may irritate the sensitive skin in the ear canal, leading to infection. And it’s not just cotton buds, don’t use keys, pen caps, bobby pins, fingernails or anything else that’s long and pointy to clear your ears of w

I miss me

  How are you?  Really ? This is my mum’s standard line of questioning any time I dye my hair. In her mind, darker hair is equivalent to a darker mood. She’s on to something, but in my case, she has it backwards. I’m best at hiding my emotions when I’m blonde. When I’m a brunette, I feel authentic. I let a little more of my darker sideshow. When I’m blonde, I’m bubbly, social and easy to get along with, but that's just me for those who know me 😉. What is  Smiling Depression ? Smiling depression involves appearing happy to others and smiling through the pain, keeping the inner turmoil hidden. It’s a major depressive disorder with atypical symptoms, and as a result, many don’t know they’re depressed or don’t seek help. People with smiling depression are often partnered or married, employed and are quite accomplished and educated. Their public, professional and social lives are not struggling. Their façade is  put together  and  accomplished . But behind the mask and behind closed do